1.指”說話的本能”時用speak與talk均可The baby is learning to talk (or speak).2.詢問對方懂不懂某種語言用speak,如果指主詞懂得或使用某種語言通常用speak,但也可以用talk表示”不怎麼好”的含義Do you speak English?They talk English together for practice.3.指主詞跟某人說話時用speak和talk均可,以後者比較通俗Can I talk to you for a few minutes about your sister?4.指彼此互相交談時用talk,若只是一人獨講或因故而不能講,用speakWhat are you talking about?5.正式發表演說用speakThe President will speak on TV tonight.6.傳達別人(或自己)所說的話時用say或tell,但二者使用的時機不同(1)直接敘述之前別無其他受詞時,用tellShe said, ”What do you want me to do?”(2)直接敘述裡若是命令句或敘述句,且引號之前另有某人做間接受詞時,用tell;也可用say to somebodyI told them (or I said to them), “I’ve never seen this man before.”(3)不是疑問句的間接敘述之前若無受詞受say,若有用tellShe said she loved me.She told me she loved me.7.tell通常都是先接間接受詞(人),再接直接受詞(事),但是在tell (somebody) a lie,tell (somebody) the truth等語裡的somebody可省略,其中中的tell都不可改用sayI don’t think she’s telling the truth.8.tell加受詞之後接不定詞,表示命令或忠告,say、talk、speak都不可用於此種結構I told them to shut up.9.不是口說,而是信、書、報上說都用say,不可用tell、talk、speakThe paper says that it might rain this evening.10.說出某一個字、某件事或某一句話的”說”都用say,不可用tell、talk、speakI came to say good-bye to you.11.tell可作”辨別”、”洩露(秘密)”、”顯示”講,say、talk、speak無此含義he cannot tell right from wrong.12.只說”說話”,沒有指出說啥話,用speakSpeak up! = Speak more Loudly!13.說某人的好話或壞話用speakHe always speaks well of you to my face.14.美語中,say之後可以接不定詞,含義是”說應該做某事”My teacher gave me a great deal of advice; he said to study hard. 15. tell the time不是"看時間" 是指"看懂鐘錶上的時間"He's seven years old and he still can't tell the time.



1. 引號的用法:
在美國英語中,如果省略號恰好在句尾,就用四個點。 例如:
I‘d like to... that is... if you don‘t mind....
2. 冒號的用法:
1. 漢語中的某些標點符號為英語所沒有:
(1) 頓號(、):
頓號在漢語中起分割句子中的並列成分的作用;英語中沒有頓號,分割句中的並列成分多用逗號。 例如:
She slowly, carefully, deliberately moved the box.
注意:類似的情況下,最後一個逗號後可加and,這個逗號也可省略。 例如:
-- She slowly, carefully(,) and deliberately moved the box.
(2) 書名號(《 》):
英文沒有書名號,書名、報刊名用斜體或者下劃線表示。 例如:
Hamlet / Hamlet 《哈姆雷特》
Winter‘s Tale / Winter‘s Tale 《冬天的童話》
The New York Times / The New York Times 《紐約時報》
(3) 間隔號(•):
漢語有間隔號,用在月份和日期、音譯的名和姓等需要隔開的詞語的正中間。 例如:
(4) 著重號:
2. 英語中的某些標點符號為漢語所沒有:
(1) 撇號 -- Apostrophe(‘)(2) 連字型大小 -- Hyphen(-)(3) 斜線號 -- Virgule or Slash(/):
該符號主要起分割作用。 例如:
It could be for staff and/or students.
也常用於標音。 例如:
bed /bed/
3. 某些符號在漢英兩種語言中的形式不同:
(1) 中文的句號是空心圈(。);
英文的句號是實心點( . )。
(2) 英文的省略號是三個點( ... ),位置在行底;
(3) 英文的破折號是(-);
中國學生常見標點符號錯誤例析(1) 頓號、書名號、句號、省略號錯誤
比較中英文標點符號可見,英文標點中沒有中文形式的頓號、書名號、句號和省略號。而這四種標點符號成了大學英語寫作中“借鑒頻率”較高的符號。 例如:
〔錯誤〕1. While she is reading《Gone With the Wind》, I am cooking.〔錯誤〕2. My sister bought a lot of fruits for me, such as banana、orange、apple and pear.
〔修改〕1. While she is reading Gone With the Wind, I am cooking. (印刷體)
或 While she is reading Gone With the Wind, I am cooking. (書寫體)
〔修改〕2. My sister bought a lot of fruits for me, such as banana, orange, apple and pear.
(2) 冒號錯誤
〔錯誤〕3. I thought to myself : “What kind of trap is she laying?”
〔錯誤〕4. He asked : “Where are you from?”
漢語中的冒號還可用在“如次”、“如下”、“例如”、“像”等引起下文的提示語後邊。在英文表達中,“for example” (例如) 一類的詞後常用逗點代替冒號。
〔錯誤〕5. Good manners can be seen in everyday life.
For example : a person with good manners is kind and helpful to others. 〔修改〕5. Good manners can be seen in everyday life.
For example, a person with good manners is kind and helpful to others.
(3) 破折號錯誤
漢語中的破折號標明行文中解釋說明的部分,而英文同位語也具有同等說明的功能,故英文寫作中用破折號連接同位語成份的錯誤也屢見不鮮。 例如:
〔錯誤〕6. We are studying and living at the famous university — Beijing University. 〔修改〕6. We are studying and living at the famous university, Beijing University.
(1) 把非限制性定語從句(non-restrictive attributive clause)理解成限制性定語從句(restrictive
attributive clause) 而忽略用逗點。 例如:
〔錯誤〕7. We were led into a nearest fabric shop that was divided into two parts.
從句意來看,上句是一個非限制性定語從句,故應在shop後加逗點,把that相應改成which 即:
〔修改〕7. We were led into a nearest fabric shop, which was divided into two parts.
(2) 不論狀語從句在整個句子中處於何種位置,一概以逗點隔開。 例如:
〔錯誤〕8. We will go there, if it is fine tomorrow.
〔修改〕8. If it is fine tomorrow, we will go there.
或 We will go there if it is fine tomorrow.
(3) 在疑問句形式的陳述句後使用問號。 例如:
〔錯誤〕9. What fun we girls could expect, to stay in the same class, studying for four long years
with them? I wondered.
〔修改〕9. What fun could we girls expect, to stay in the same class, studying for four long years
with them, I wondered.
(4) 誤把however, therefore, because, thus 等起聯繫作用的副詞當成並列連詞,導致寫作中的逗號粘連 (comma splice) 錯誤。 例如:
〔錯誤〕10. She thought what the teacher pointed out was right, however, she didn’t care for that.
兩個完整的句子或兩個並列句之間不能一概用逗點點開,可用句號、分號或在逗點後加並列連詞 (and, but, or, for, so, nor, yet) 等方法修改。
〔修改〕10. She thought what the teacher pointed out was right. However, she didn’t care for that.
或 She thought what the teacher pointed out was right; however, she didn’t care for that.
或 She thought what the teacher pointed out was right, but she didn’t care for that.
(5) 與comma splice 相映成趣的是,許多學生作文時,極少考慮句子間的邏輯關係。一個逗點連首尾,導致大量熔句 (fused sentence) 的堆砌。 例如:
〔錯誤〕11. Young men like blue jeans they wear them all the time.
〔修改〕11. Young men like blue jeans; they wear them all the time.
或 Young men like blue jeans. They wear them all the time.
或 Young men like blue jeans, and they wear them all the time.
或 Young men like blue jeans; they wear them all the time.
或 Since young men like blue jeans, they wear them all the time.
(6) 兩個並列的形容詞間以and 代替逗點。 例如:
〔錯誤〕12. Through the window, in front of me were large green fields which reminded me of
the small clearing where I spent my lonely and hard childhood.
〔修改〕12. Through the window, in front of me were large green fields which reminded me of
the small clearing where I spent my lonely, hard childhood
英文寫作是一種書面語的輸出。其書面語體的特徵要求其與口頭語相區別。口語中存在的大量縮約 (Contraction) 在書面語體中應儘量避免。而許多學生在書面作文中大量使用省字型大小 ( ’ ),幾乎1/ 3 左右的作文在文體上存在漏洞,現代英語的發展對此卻難以容忍。
1. I’d like to share my joys with you. (I would like to)2. You can’t behave like that. (You cannot) 3. There’re so many splendid toys for me to select. (There are)
(1) 引號錯誤。 例如:
〔錯誤〕13. “No pain, no gain.” If you.
〔修改〕13. As the saying goes, “No pain, no gain.”
英文中短小的引語與作者提示“某某說”之類的詞語之間用逗點隔開,置於引號內。不能省略提示語“某某說”之類而直接引用。 例如:
〔錯誤〕14. Glancing through the essay entitled “Why Not More?”, Dr. Jefferson frowned
〔修改〕14. Glancing through the essay entitled “Why Not More?,” Dr. Jefferson frowned
(2) 日-月-年次序的日期中的逗號錯誤。
英語日期的表達可以用月-日-年的次序和日-月-年的次序,日和年之間加逗號而月和年之間習慣上不加逗號。 例如:
誤把“13 August 2002”寫成“13 August, 2002”。
(3) 在部分副詞如perhaps, so後加逗號。 例如:
〔錯誤〕16. Perhaps, I would not have such a good chance again.
〔錯誤〕17. So, they keep in touch with each other merely by writing letters and phoning now.
4) 連接號 (hyphen) 錯誤。
許多英語習作者往往隨意用連接號派生單詞,如把“boyfriend”寫成“boy-friend”;“middle school”寫成“middle-school”。在行末單詞分行時,連接號使用錯誤更多。
與之相反,若把本應有的連接號粗心刪去,其單詞含義可能會大相徑庭。如有一年美國政府在一份貿易清單上列舉了一些免稅進口的物品,其中有一種是foreign fruit —plants (外國果樹苗),後來由於打字員的疏忽,漏打連接號使其成了foreign fruit, plants (外國水果、樹苗)。結果導致第二年大量的水果如桔子、葡萄等從世界各地免稅湧入美國市場從而使美國政府當年損失約200多萬美元。
應用逗號而沒用,造成語義的表達不清。 例如:
Please send me a gross each of the red, green, blue, orange and black ties.
使人看了以後不知是發5 摞 (1 摞 = 12 打)
—紅、綠、藍、橙、黑各一摞— 領帶,
還是發4 摞
–Please send me a gross each of the red, green, blue, orange, and black ties.
–Please send me a gross each of the red, green, blue, orange-and-black ties.
–People make history, unusual people make history interesting.
此句逗點應改為分號,這是兩個獨立分句。 例如:
–Mary was happiest when she was free of her parents’ scrutiny , or while she was working
in her garden.



連接詞定義: 連接詞是指將句子中的子句、片語或字連接起來的字。

連接詞分三種: coordinating conjunctions 對等連接詞 、subordinating conjunctions 從屬連 接詞 、 conjunctive adverb 連接詞副詞.

(1) Coordinating Conjunctions 對等連接詞
For Compound Sentences :連接兩個獨立子句
這類只有七個, 記住的方法是 "Fanboys." - For, And, Nor, But, Or , Yet , So

要怎麼樣分辨它們呢? 看它在句子裡的位置. 對等連接詞不能放在句首或句尾, 只可以待在中間, 有時候它的前面會加逗號. 你只要想著對等連接詞很乖, 不隨便從中間跑掉.

(2 ) Subordinating Conjunctions 從屬連接詞
For Complex Sentences : 使附屬子句與主要子句之間建立關係

這類有蠻多個, 想背可以, 但很累....

although, while, though, even if, whereas, because, since, as, so that, in that, in order that, if, unless, provided that, before, since, until, after, as soon as..........etc.

附屬連接詞可以做開頭, 放句子中間, 但不能放在句尾.
Because xxxx, xxxxxx
xxxxxx because xxxxx

(3) Conjunctive Adverb 連接詞副詞
這種更多, 建議不要背....

moreover, further,additionally, also, furthermore, however, on the other hand,
neverhteless, alternaticely, therefore, thus, hence, consequently.......etc.

連接詞副詞放那裡都可以, 不能用它來連接句子---就是說, 當它在句子中間的時候, 它的前面要加分號而不是逗號.
However, xxxxxxx
xxxxxxx ; however, xxxxx
xxxxxxxxxxxx, however.


(1) 主要子句 + 從屬連接詞+從屬子句 I was happy when I heard the news.
(2) 從屬連接詞+從屬子句 , 主要子句 When I heard the news, I was happy.

*「當…的時候/期間」= at the time that.. / during the time that
I was happy when I heard the news. = When I heard the news, I was happy.
I put on my jacket when I feel cold.
I visited many museums when I was in England.
He was taking a shower when the telephone rang.

I will tell him the truth when he comes here tomorrow. (X when he will come ..)

* 從屬子句的主詞若與主要子句的主詞相同則可去掉主詞並將動詞改為動名詞,則when便成為介係詞
When seeing the police, the thief ran away at once. (when是介係詞)
= When the thief saw the police, he ran away at once. (when是從屬連接詞)

*「當…時」= during the time that…
I will think it over while I am having my lunch.
While I was studying, I fell asleep.
I was watching TV while my wife was cooking.
While ( I was) in London, I visited the British Museum.
Strike while the iron is hot. (【諺】打鐵趁熱)

* when 與 while的比較
when+瞬間動作或持續動作 / while+持續動作
情境說明:Tom read a novel from 1:00 to 3:00 yesterday. During the time, some things happened. The door bell rang at 1:30. Mary got home at 2:00.

The door bell rang while / when Tom was reading a novel.
= While/When Tom was reading a novel, the door bell rang.
= Tom was reading a novel when the door bell rang.
= When the door bell rang, Tom was reading a novel.
Mary got home when/when Tom was reading a novel.
= Tom was reading a novel when Mary got home.

(X)While he heard the bad news, he almost fainted. (while不能接瞬間動作)
(O)When he heard the bad news, he almost fainted.

*as=when / as=while
When / While / As he was a child, he lived in the country.
When / While / As they were talking, it began to rain.
When / As he was leaving the park, he heard a noise under the bush.

While he is good at tennis, he is bad at swimming. (雖然)
He is fat, while his son is thin. (然而)

*「直到…才…」主要子句的動作為瞬間動作come, go, finish, start… ,需用否定句,即: not…until…
I couldn’t go home until I finished my homework. (我直到完成作業才能回家。)
I didn’t go to bed until (it was) twelve o’clock. (我直到十二點才睡覺。)
I won’t leave until it stops raining. (我會等到雨停才離開。)
Until you told me, I had no idea of it.(直到你告訴我,我才知道這件事。)

I will stay here until he comes back. (我會留在這裡直到他回來。)
I waited for him until the store closed. (我等他等到商店關門。)

*until = till
I didn’t know it until he came back. = I didn’t know it before he came back.
= It was not until he came back that I knew it.
= Not until he came back did I know it.
= Only when he came back did I know it.

after / before
Every day I eat breakfast, and then I go to school.
 After I eat breakfast, I go to school.
= I go to school after I eat breakfast.
= Before I go to school, I eat breakfast.
= I eat breakfast before I go to school.

I will tell you the truth after I finish this work. (X will finish)
What will you do before you go back home? (Xwill go)

*after/before + Ving 從屬子句的主詞與主要子句的主詞相同時,則可去掉主詞並將動詞改為Ving,此時的after或before則成為介係詞
After I graduate from college, I will work in my father’s company.
 After graduating from college, I will work in my father’s company.
Be sure to wash your hands before eating. ( = before you eat)

*right after…. (就在…之後) / soon after…(…之後馬上…)
He died right after the accident happened.
I’m sorry to learn that you started to smoke soon after you got to America.

*by the time = before
By the time you get there, it will be dark.
I will have finish cleaning the house by the time Mother gets home.

*not…long before…(…不久就…) / …long before…(過了一段時間才…)
It was not long before I saw my mistake. (不久我就看到我的錯誤了。)
I didn’t wait long before she appeared. (我等了不久她就出現了。)
I was long before he came. (過了一段時間才他才來。)

(1) 現在完成式 since + 過去式的句子
She has studied English since she was five years old.
I haven’t see her since she went to the USA.
(2) It is 一段時間 since …. = It has been ~ since…(自從…已經~了)
It is a year since he returned. = It has been a year since he returned.
Three years have passed since he wrote to me last.
= It is three years since he wrote to me last.

Since he won’t help me, I have to do it myself.
Since there is no bus there, we have to walk.

as soon as
As soon as he saw his mother, he cried out.
He jumped as soon as he heard the good news.

Once you saw her, you will find what I say is true.
Once you understand this rule, you will have no more difficulty.
= As soon as you understand this rule, you will have no more difficulty.
= If you once understand this rule, you will have no more difficulty.

every time
Every time he comes here, he will bring a lot of fruit to us.

We can’t play basketball outside because it is raining now.
Because he made a big mistake, he was punished by our teacher.

(X) Because it is raining, so we can’t play basketball outside.
(O) Because it is raining, we can’t play basketball outside.
(O) It is raining, so we can’t play basketball outside.

I did not go because I was afraid. (not修飾go, “我沒有去,因為我害怕。”)
I did not go because I was afraid. (not修飾because子句,”我並不因為害怕才去。”)
He did not come because he wanted to see me.
He can not go to school because he is sick.

We should not study English just because it is a school subject.

I did not go, because I was afraid. (我沒去,因為我害怕。)

*The reason (why) is …. that….
She decided not to go because she had no money.
 The reason (why) she decided not to go was that she had no money.

*not because…but because…(不是因為…而是因為…) = not that…but that…
I eat vegetables not because I like them but because they are good for the health.
Not that I love Caesar less, but that I loved Rome more.
--- Shakespear, Julius Caesar

*because + 子句 / because of + 名詞
I didn’t go because it rained. = I didn’t go because of rain.

so that / in order that
I will put it on the wall so that everybody may look at it.
He studies hard in order that he can pass the exam.

*只有in order that 可放句首

In order that we could understand what he said, he spoke very slowly.

* in order to (= to) + VR / for + 名詞
Betty got up early in order to catch the early train.
= To catch the early train, Betty got up early.
= Betty got up early for the early train.

The box was so heavy that I couldn’t move it.
The girl is so lovely that everyone likes her.
He spoke so fast that I couldn’t understand what he said.

*「如此/這樣的…以致於…」 such+名詞+that+完整的句子
We were in such a hurry that we made so many mistakes.
He is such a fool that he believes everything his girlfriend tells him.

*『a單數名詞+形容詞』 such + a + adj. + n. + that …
so + adj. + a + n. + that…
She is such a good girl that everyone likes her.
She is so good a girl that everyone likes her.

*『複數/不可數名詞+形容詞』 such + adj. + n. + that …
They are such smart boys that they know how solve all the problems.
He can speak such good English that he has more opportunities than

*『複數/不可數名詞+many/much/few/little』 so + many/much/few/little + n. + that …
There are so many cars that the policeman has trouble controlling the
I have so much homework today that I can’t finish it in an hour.

I am so happy that all of you can come to my party.

so (that)
He worked very hard, so that he became rich in a very short time.
It rained hard so that I didn’t have to water the flowers.

*so that 可引導表目的的句子;也可引導表結果的句子。
He spoke clearly, so that everyone could heard. [表結果]
He spoke clearly, so that everyone could heard. [表目的]

If it is fine tomorrow, we will go on a picnic.
We will go camping if it doesn’t rain tomorrow.

*if還可以作when / whenever解釋
If he comes, I will tell him truth. = When he comes, I will tell him the truth.
If he wants money, he asks for his mother. = Whenever he wants money, he…

*if only 「只要」
I will let you go if only you can finish your work in an hour.
If you only read this book carefully, you will know more about the writer.

*only if「只有」
I told him he could pass the exam only if he studied hard.
Only if it is nice outside can we have the picnic.

as long as / so long as
I will lend you my bicycle as long as you can lend me your computer.
As long as he comes here on time, we can have the meeting.

*「除非」if… not…的加強語氣
The baby will never cry unless he is hungry.
You will not pass the exam unless you study hard.

*「一旦」= if you… ; as soon as
Once you hear the story, you will never forget it.
Once you understand the tips, you will have no more difficulty.

Where there is no fire, there is no smoke.(【諺】無風不起浪)
Where there is a will, there is a way.(【諺】有志者事竟成)
Where there is no rain, there is no farming.

although / though
Although he doesn’t like his job, he still has to do it.
Although I have known him for ten years, I have never been to his home.

(X)Although I am tired now, but I still have to work.
(O)Although I am tired now, I still have to work.
=I am tired now, but I still have to work.

*主要子句可以加上yet或 still來加強語氣
Although I believe it, yet I will not act now.
Although he is poor, he still lives happily.

even if / even though
Even if he is often absent, his grades are still excellent.
We will still go camping even if it rains tomorrow.

If it rains tomorrow, we will not go camping.
= If it doesn’t rain tomorrow, we will go camping.
Even if it rains tomorrow, we will go camping.
= Whether it rains tomorrow or not, we will go camping.

whether…or not
Whether you like it or not, you will have to do it.
The game will start on time whether he comes or not.

*whether A or B, … A與B為相反詞
I will go whether it rains or shines.
Whether we win or lose, we are going to do our best.
Whether you go or stay, you must pay the bill.

*與名詞子句「是否whether or not」比較
I don’t know whether he will come or not. [名詞子句,保留原時態]
(我不知道是否他會來。) ( or not可以省略 )
I will do it whether he comes or not. [從屬連接詞,現在式代替未來式]
(無論他來到與否,我仍將做這件事。) ( or not不可以省略

no matter +疑問詞 = 疑問詞-ever
No matter who (= Whoever) comes, he will be welcome. (無論誰來都受歡迎。)
No matter what (=Whatever) you do, do it well. (無論你做什麼,都要好好地去做。)
No matter where you live, you cannot be happy without a friend.
No matter when my mother goes shopping, she takes me with her, and makes me carry all she buys.


Examples of adverbs in adverbial functions

Contrary to what many people think, "adverb" and "adverbial" are two different things. An "adverb" is a type of word that is a member of the adverb part of speech class, while an "adverbial" is a syntactic function.

The following examples illustrate adverbs in adverbial functions in English.

as a verb-modifier
(1) In the following examples, the adverb, as a verb-modifier, is highlighted in bold. The verb that it modifies is shown in italics.

It is tiring to run quickly.
My sister laughs loudly.
The sun shone brightly.
The captain went boldly.
The farmer worked hard. (NB: Not hardly)
The minister spoke well. (NB: Not goodly)

as an adjective-modifier
(2) In the following examples, the adverb, as an adjective-modifier, is highlighted in bold. The adjective it modifies is shown in italics.

His poetry is very beautiful. (NB: Not "muchly.")
The meaning of this passage is abundantly clear.
That sign is hardly visible.

as an adverb-modifier
(3) In the following examples, the adverb, as an adverb-modifier, is highlighted in bold. The adverb that it modifies is shown in italics.

I know that he can write more clearly.
The sun came out quite suddenly.
This species is the slightly slower growing one.

adverb modifies a preposition
(4) In the following examples the adverb modifies a preposition.

She is standing very near the door.
They are almost out of the building

adverb modifies a whole sentence
(5) In the following examples the adverb modifies a whole sentence.

Finally, she went home.
Suddenly, the cat came in.
Today, we can go on a day trip.

adverb links one sentence to another
(6) In the following examples the adverb links one sentence to another.

It was hot. She, therefore, went swimming.
It was raining. She went swimming, however.
She woke up. Then she got out of bed.

Groups of adverbs

Adverbs can be put into several groups:

Adverbs of manner (adverbs that tell how) Examples: happily, quickly, slowly, badly
Adverbs of time (adverbs that tell when) Examples: then, now, soon
Adverbs of place (adverbs that tell where) Examples: there, here, nowhere
Adverbs of degree (adverbs that tell to what extent) Examples: more, very, barely, vaguely
Adverbs which comment on the whole sentence. Example: Stupidly, she answered the questions. (Cf. She answered the questions stupidly)
Adverbs which link sentences. Example: Miss Gold, therefore, left the room. (The adverb therefore links this sentence to another.)

English does not make any grammatical distinction between these groups of adverbs, but some languages do. For example, in German, if a sentence contains multiple adverbs, they should appear in a particular order: time, manner, place.

Adverbs as a "catch all" category

Adverbs are considered a part of speech in traditional English grammar, which is derived from Latin grammar, and are still included as a part of speech in grammar taught in schools and used in dictionaries. However, modern grammarians recognize that words traditionally grouped together as adverbs serve a number of different functions. Some would go so far as to call adverbs a "catch all" category that includes all words that don't belong to one of the other parts of speech.

A more logical approach to dividing words into classes relies on recognizing which words can be used in a certain context. For example, a noun is a word that can be inserted in the following template to form a grammatical sentence:

The ____ is red.
When this approach is taken, it is seen that adverbs fall into a number of different categories.

For example, some adverbs can be used to modify an entire sentence, whereas others can not. Even when a sentential adverb has other functions, the meaning is often not the same. For example, in the sentences She gave birth naturally and Naturally, she gave birth, the word naturally has different meanings (actually the first sentence could be interpreted in the same way as the second, but context makes it clear which is meant). Naturally as a sentential adverb means something like "of course" and as a verb-modifying adverb means "in a natural manner". The "hopefully" controversy demonstrates that the class of sentential adverbs is a closed class (there is resistance to adding new words to the class), whereas the class of adverbs that modify verbs is not.

Words like very and particularly afford another useful example. We can say Jim is very fast, but not Jim very won the race. These words can modify adjectives but not verbs. On the other hand, there are words like here and there that cannot modify adjectives. We can say The sofa looks good there but not It is a there beautiful sofa. The fact that many adverbs can be used in more than one of these functions can confuse this issue, and it may seem like splitting hairs to say that a single adverb is really two or more words that serve different functions. However, this distinction can be useful, especially considering adverbs like naturally that have different meanings in their different functions.

Not is an interesting case. Grammarians have a difficult time categorizing it, and it probably belongs in its own class.

See also



Introductory Clauses

Introductory clauses are dependent clauses that provide background information or "set the stage" for the main part of the sentence, the independent clause. For example:

If they want to win, athletes must exercise every day.
(introductory dependent clause, main clause)

Because he kept barking insistently, we threw the ball for Smokey.
(introductory dependent clause, main clause)

Introductory clauses start with adverbs like after, although, as, because, before, if, since, though, until, when, etc.

Introductory Phrases

Introductory phrases also set the stage for the main action of the sentence, but they are not complete clauses. Phrases don't have both a subject and a verb that are separate from the subject and verb in the main clause of the sentence. Common introductory phrases include prepositional phrases, appositive phrases, participial phrases, infinitive phrases, and absolute phrases.

To stay in shape for competition, athletes must exercise every day.
(introductory infinitive phrase, main clause)

Barking insistently, Smokey got us to throw his ball for him.
(introductory participial phrase, main clause)

A popular and well respected mayor, Bailey was the clear favorite in the
campaign for governor. (introductory appositive phrase, main clause)

The wind blowing violently, the townspeople began to seek shelter. (introductory absolute phrase, main clause)
After the adjustment for inflation, real wages have decreased while corporate profits have grown. (introductory prepositional phrases, main clause)
Introductory Words
Introductory words like however, still, furthermore, and meanwhile create continuity from one sentence to the next.
The coaches reviewed the game strategy. Meanwhile, the athletes trained on the Nautilus equipment.
Most of the evidence seemed convincing. Still, the credibility of some witnesses was in question.
When to Use a Comma
Introductory elements often require a comma, but not always. Use a comma in the following cases:
After an introductory clause. (Does the introductory element have a subject and verb of its own?)
After a long introductory prepositional phrase or more than one introductory prepositional phrase. (Are there more than five words before the main clause?)
After introductory verbal phrases, some appositive phrases, or absolute phrases.
If there is a distinct pause. (When you read the sentence aloud, do you find your voice pausing a moment after the introductory element?) to avoid confusion. (Might a reader have to read the sentence more than once to make sense of it?)
When not to Use a Comma
Some introductory elements don't require a comma, and sometimes the subject of a sentence looks like an introductory element but isn't. Do not use a comma in the following cases:
After a brief prepositional phrase. (Is it a single phrase of less than five words?)
After a restrictive (essential) appositive phrase. (See our document on appositives.)
To separate the subject from the predicate. (See below.)
Each of the following sentences may look like it requires a comma after the opening segment (marked with an x), but the opening segment is really the subject. It's sometimes easy to confuse gerund- or infinitive-phrase subjects like the following with nonessential introductory phrases, so be careful.
Preparing and submitting his report to the committee for evaluation and possible publication[x] was one of the most difficult tasks Bill had ever attempted.
To start a new business without doing market research and long-term planning in advance[x] would be foolish.
Extracting the most profit for the least expenditure on labor and materials[x] is the primary goal of a capitalist.


Commas After Introductory Phrases

Prepositional Phrases

Use a comma to separate a group of prepositional phrases of more than four words when the phrases come at the beginning of a sentence.

Do not use a comma between separate phrases unless they are in a series.

A comma may also set off a single prepositional phrase at the beginning to make the sentence clear. A comma is recommended after any introductory prepositional phrase of more than four words.

Correct: Under the kitchen table the dog cowered.
(Single short, clear phrase. No comma needed.)
Correct: Under the spreading chestnut tree, the village smithy stands.
(Comma optional, but helpful due to length of phrase)

Correct: Under the pile of clothes, we found his wallet.
(Two prepositional phrases, not in a series)

Incorrect: On the sand, of the beach, by the inlet, we relaxed in the sun.
(Do not separate the phrases since they are not in a series.)

Correct: On the sand of the beach by the inlet, we relaxed in the sun.

Correct: Over hill, over dale, we hit the dusty trail.
(The two phrases are in series here. We could say "Over hill and over dale.")

Introductory Participial and Infinitive Phrases

Use a comma to separate introductory participial phrases and infinitive phrases used as modifiers.

Correct: Looking for help, the man fell on his knees to beg.
(Participial phrase)
Correct: To raise enough money in time, Mary had to issue stock in her business.
(The infinitive phrase is used as a modifier)

Incorrect: To ski, is exhilarating.
(The infinitive is used as a noun, not a modifier.)

Correct: To ski is exhilarating.




1. 沒有標點符號難以了解的例句:
(a) After eating the child left the table 乍看起來,好像是:「吃完那小孩以後…」。有了標點符號之後的句子是:After eating, the child left the table. 「吃完之後,那小孩離開了餐桌」。
(b) Inside the dog was growling乍看起來,好像是:「那隻狗的肚子裡在咆哮」。有了標點符號之後的句子是:Inside, the dog was growling. 「門裡面,那隻狗在咆哮」。
(c) What do you think I mend for nothing and give you two dollars乍看起來,好像是:「我免費給你補(鞋)之外,還要送你兩塊錢,你以為如何?」。有了標點符號之後的句子是: What! do you think I mend for nothing and give you two dollars?「什麼!你以為我免費給你補(鞋)之外,還給你兩塊錢嗎?」

2. 增減標點符號的例句:
(a)Happily he died. 他含笑而終。本句中happily修飾died.
Happily, he died. 真高興,他死了。本句中happily修飾 he died.
(b) No tax will be imposed on foreign fruit trees.
No tax will be imposed on foreign fruit, trees.
(c) Dr. Johnson, our family doctor cannot come today.
(d) Dr. Johnson, our family doctor, cannot come today.
我們的家庭醫師詹生今天不能來。 本句中our family doctor 是Dr. Johnson 的同位語。

l.Apostrophe 上標點(') 2.Comma 逗號(,) 3.Colon 冒號(:) 4.Dash 破折號(—)5.Exclamation Point 驚嘆號(!) 6.Hyphen 連字號(-) 7.Parentheses 括號( ) 8.Period 句號(.) 9.Question Mark 問號(?) lO.Quotation Marks 引號("…") 11.Semicolon 分號(;) l2.Triple Dots 刪節號(…)


l. 上標點(')
(l)表示字母的省略。Can't you read those road signs?
(2)表示數字的省略。Today is Thursday, June 1, '89.
(3)表示字母的複數。There are five s’s in “sleeplessness.”
(4)表示單字的複數。Our teacher told us not to use so many so’s.
(5)表示數字的複數。Her 7’s and 9’s look alike.
(6)表示所有格。It’s Vice Burn’s umbrella.

2. 逗號(,)
(1) 用在以and ,but ,for, nor ,or ,so ,yet等連接詞連接的兩個主要子句之間。 My father is fond of fishing, but my mother prefers hiking.
(2) 在複合句中,如果附屬子句在前,主要子句在後,用在附屬子句之後。
While I was making a telephone call, someone knocked at my door.
(3) 用以分開非限制形容詞子句與主要子句。
Her father, who is a famous scholar, teaches English.
(4) 用以分開非限制同位語。
Kent Howard, my English teacher, is from America.
(5) 用在yes, no ,well等字之後。
(a) Yes, he is a hard-working student.
(b) No, it is impossible.
(c) Well, you may go if you insist.
(6) 向人說話時,用在對方名字或稱謂之後,之前或前後。
(a) John, come here.
(b) Open the door, John.
(c) It is, Sir, not my fault.
(7) 用以分開引用句
(a) “You are beautiful,” he said.
(b) Our teacher said, “Freedom is not license.”
(c) “No,” she said, “I was just testing your patience.”
(8) 用以分開星期,月日,年份。
On Sunday, May 28, 1989, her first child was born.
(9) 用以分開地名、省名、國名、街道名、巷弄名等。
Candy lives at 4 Alley 10, Lane 76, Ching Hua Street, Section 4, Taipei, Taiwan.
(a) Her mother sells tomatoes, potatoes, and peaches.
(b) She ran up the stairs, across the porch, and into the house.
(c) We all agreed that she was beautiful, that she was intelligent, and that she was ambitious.
The lion is the symbol of courage; the lamb, of meekness. (the lamb is the symbol of meekness).
(12)用在such as及especially的前面。
(a) They enjoy outdoor sports, such as hiking and riding.
(b)He likes all extracurricular activities, especially basketball playing.
He wanted to see Cliff, not Steve.
It is warm today, isn’t it?

3. 冒號(:)(1) 用在解釋或逐項列舉之前(在as follows, the following as these或given below之後)。
(a) I bought the following articles: sheets, towels, and blankets.
(b) The table lamp consists of three parts: a stand, a bulb, and a shade.
(2) 用在正式或事務信函中稱謂之後。
Dear Sir: Dear Mr. Reagan: Gentlemen:
Dear Mary, Dear John,
(3) 用在數字之後,表示時間。
Our class starts at 8:10 a.m. and ends at 12:00 noon.
(4) 用在較長的引用句或正式問句之前。
(a) This is my favorite quotation: “It is difficult to say what is impossible, for the dream of yesterday is the hope of today and reality of tomorrow.”
(b) The question is: What can we do for our country?
(5) 用在講釋第一個主要子句的第二個主要句子之前。
Her intention is obvious: she wants to marry him.

4. 破折號(--)(1) 表示猶豫,句意的暫時中斷, 或思想的突然中斷。
(a) I—I don’t know. You’d better ask her.
(b) The entire teaching facilities—console, tapes, earphones, and tape recorders—were stolen last night.
(c) I’ll give—let’s see, what can I give?
(2) 用以強調同位語。
She has only one interest—food.
(3) 用在結語之前。
Professor Chu collects postage stamps, coins, sea shells, matchboxes—in short,
anything that interests him.
(4) 用在未完成句之後。She said, “He was everything to me, but--”

5. 驚嘆號(!) (1) 用在以強烈情感說出的字句之後。
(a) What a surprise!
(b) How beautiful a girl she is!
(c) What a beautiful girl she is!
(2) 用在祈使句之後。
(a) Help! My house is on fire!
(b) Be quiet!

6. 連字句(-) (1) 用以表示分數或連接由21至99中的十位數及個位數。
(a) Three-fourths of the freshman students are girls.
(b) There are twenty-two boy student and ninety-eight girl students in the Department of English.
(2) 用在行末連接分寫的單字。
He is a graduate student of National Chengchi Uni- versity.
(3) 用以連接複合字中的各字。
We had a heart-to-heart talk last night.

7. 括號( )用來在句中附加評論或解釋。
I saw the two students (they are lovers) kissing each other.

8. 句號( . )
(1) 用在敘述句,祈使句及禮貌問句之後。
(a) I wish to enter an ideal university.
(b) Turn in your papers, please.
(c) Will you please send me a copy of your university catalogue.
(2) 用在間接問句之後。
She asked if you would come to her birthday party.
(3) 用在縮寫名字和其他字的第一個字母之後,或縮寫字之後。
(a) Prof. W. W. Wang has returned to Taipei. (如果不用名字,則要用 Professor Wang.)
(b) Dr. Tang earned his Ph. D. degree from Georgetown University in Washington, D. C. (District of Columbia).

9. 問號(?)
(1) 用在直接問句之後。
Do you find English writing difficult?
(2) 用在括號中表示存疑。
Chaucer was born in 1340(?) and died in 1400.

10. 引號(“ ”)
(1) 用在引用句的前後。 (a) Our teacher said, “All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.”
(b) “I don’t like her, ” she explained, “because she is far too proud.”
(2) 如果引用句本身是敘述句而且位在一個問句之後,必須先用引號,再用問號。
Did he say, “I am going to college next year”?
Did he say, “Are you going to college next year?”
(3) 引用文句有兩段或兩段以上時,只在每一段開始時和最後一段結束時用引號。
“Mom and Dad did not come home with them because Sunday was parents’ day off; the boys did the housework and cooked the meal of the week, while Father and Mother stayed on for church service.
“But by the time diner was ready the boy had climbed into bed. The shoe had to be cut off his swollen and discolored leg. Why on earth hadn’t he told somebody? Go quick and fetch the doctor!”
(4) 引用句中另有引用句時, 用單引號表示
She said, “ I quite agree to the saying ‘To love and to be loved is the greatest happiness on earth’.”

11. 分號 (;)
(1) 用以連接兩個或兩個以上的主要子句。
(a) The singular form is mouse; the plural form is mice.
(b) she made up her mind; she laid her plans; she began her trip.
(2) 用在連接兩個主要子句的連接副詞 (consequently, however, moreover, nevertheless, so, still, then, therefore, thus, etc.)之前。
He did not pass the examination; therefore, he was unhappy.
(3) 用在連接兩個主要子句的連接詞 (and, but, or, nor, for)之前,當主要子句本身有逗號時。
Henry, a freshman, lives at home; but Karl, his brother, does not.

12. 刪節號 (…)
用以表示引用句中省略的文字。如刪節號用在句尾,另加原句句尾的標點符號,如果是問號,則在刪節號之後加問號 (…?)
In his essay LUCK Winston Churchill wrote: “The longer one lives, the more one realizes that everything depends upon chance… a man’s own contribution to his life story is continually by an external superior power.”

英文標點符號 Punctuation 教學 (1),(Comma 逗號) http://www.mychinesetea.net/enghome_d1.htm (2).(Period 句號) http://www.mychinesetea.net/enghome_d2.htm (3);(Semicolon分號) http://www.mychinesetea.net/enghome_d3.htm (4):(Colon 冒號) http://www.mychinesetea.net/enghome_d4.htm (5)?&!(Question mark問號& Exclamation point 驚嘆號) http://www.mychinesetea.net/enghome_d5.htm (6) ─& - (Dash破折號& hyphen連字號) http://www.mychinesetea.net/enghome_d6.htm (7) ( ) & [ ] (Parentheses 圓括號& Brackets括號) http://www.mychinesetea.net/enghome_d7.htm (8) “ ” & ... (引號 & 省略號) http://www.mychinesetea.net/enghome_d8.htm


1. End your sentences with a period (full stop), question mark, or exclamation point (exclamation mark or shout mark).
1-1 Use the period (full stop) to denote a full stop at the end of a statement.
The period ( . ) is one of the most commonly used punctuation marks.

The accessibility of the computer has increased tremendously over
the past several years.

1-2 The question mark ( ? ), used at the end of a sentence, suggests an
interrogatory remark or inquiry.

What has humanity done about the growing concern of
global warming?

1-3 The exclamation point (exclamation mark, shout mark)( ! )
suggests excitement or emphasis in a sentence.

I can't believe how difficult the exam was!

2. Use the semicolon and colon properly.
o The semicolon ( ; ) has a few uses.
§ Use a semicolon to separate two related but independent clauses. Note that, if the two clauses are very wordy or complex, it is better to use a period instead.
§ People continue to worry about the future; our failure to conserve resources has put the world at risk.
§ Use a semicolon to separate a complex series of items, especially those that contain commas.
§ I went to the show with Jake, my close friend; his friend, Jane; and her best friend, Jenna.
o The colon ( : ) has multiple uses.
§ Use the colon to introduce a list. Be careful not to use a colon when denoting a regular series. Usually, the word following suggests the use of a colon. Use only after a full sentence which ends in a noun.
§ The professor has given me three options: to retake the exam, to accept the extra credit assignment, or to fail the class.
§ INCORRECT - The Easter basket contained: Easter eggs, chocolate rabbits, and other candy.
3. Understand the differences between a hyphen and a dash.
o The hyphen ( - ) was once a common punctuation mark on typewriters, when a long word might have been split between two lines. The hyphen is still used in a number of other areas:
§ Use a hyphen when adding a prefix to some words. The purpose of this hyphen is to make the word easier to read. If you were to leave the hyphen out of a word like re-examine, it would be reexamine, which would be harder to read. Understand that some words do not require a hyphen to separate the prefix from the word, such as restate, pretest, and undo. Let a dictionary be your guide for when to use the hyphen after a prefix.
When you use a hyphen, the two words have to rely on each other. Example: re-arrange.
§ Cara is his ex-girlfriend.
§ Use hyphens when creating compound words from separate words.
§ The up-to-date newspaper reporters were quick to jump on the latest scandal.
§ Use a hyphen when writing numbers out as words. Separate the two words of any number under one hundred with a hyphen.
§ There are fifty-two playing cards in a deck. ("The amount is one hundred and eighty" is a common error in US English, where the "and" is usually omitted. Elsewhere in the English-speaking world, however, the "and" is usually included.)
§ Be careful with spelling out numbers above one hundred—if the number is used as an adjective, it is completely hyphenated, since all compound adjectives are hyphenated (I have one-hundred tapes). Otherwise, a hyphen should only occur if a number greater than 100 occurs within the larger number, e.g., He lived to be one hundred twenty-one.
o The dash ( -- or — ) should be used when making a brief interruption within a statement, a sudden change of thought, an additional comment, or a dramatic qualification. It can also be used to add a parenthetical statement, such as for further clarification, but should still be relevant to the sentence. Otherwise, use parentheses. Keep in mind that the rest of the sentence should still flow naturally. Try to remove the statement within the dash from the sentence; if the sentence appears disjointed or does not make sense, then you may need to revise. There should be spaces before and after the dash in British English.
§ An introductory clause is a brief phrase that comes—yes, you guessed it—at the beginning of a sentence.
§ This is the end of our sentence—or so we thought.
4. Use the double quotation mark and single quotation mark/apostrophe for different purposes.
o The double quotation ( " ) encloses a direct quotation, whether made by a person or taken from a piece of literature.
§ "I can't wait to see him perform!" John exclaimed.
§ According to the article, the value of the dollar in developing nations is "strongly influenced by its aesthetic value, rather than its face value."
o The single quotation mark or apostrophe ( ' ) has a variety of uses.
§ Use the apostrophe together with the letter s to indicate possession. Be aware of the difference in using an apostrophe with singular or plural nouns. A singular noun will use 's, whereas the plural version of that singular noun will use s'. Also, be mindful of nouns that are always considered to be plural, such as children and people — here, you should use 's. Be aware of pronouns that are already possessive and do not require apostrophes, such as hers and its (it's is used only for the contractions of it is and it has). Their is possessive without apostrophe or s, except as a predicate adjective, where it becomes theirs.
§ The hamster's water tube needs to be refilled.
§ A singular noun with possession.
§ In the pet store, the hamsters' bedding needed to be changed.
§ A pluralized singular noun with possession.
§ These children's test scores are the highest in the nation.
§ A plural noun with possession.
§ Use the apostrophe to combine two words to make a contraction. For example, cannot becomes can't, you are becomes you're, and they have becomes they've.
§ Use the single quotation mark within a regular quotation to indicate a quotation within a quotation.
§ Ali said, "Anna told me, 'I wasn't sure if you wanted to come!'"
§ Note that an apostrophe is not used with 's' to make a plural noun from a singular. This is a very common mistake and should be avoided.
§ CORRECT - apple → apples
§ INCORRECT - apple → apple's
5. Indicate a break or pause within a sentence with the comma ( , ). This is another commonly used punctuation mark. There are several instances where you might use a comma:
o Use the comma when denoting an appositive, or a break within a sentence that supplements and adds information to the subject.
§ Bill Gates, CEO of Microsoft, is the developer of the operating system known as Windows.
o Use the comma when denoting a series. This is a set of three or more "list" items within a sentence. To save space in newspapers, some writers may omit the last comma.
§ The fruit basket contained apples, bananas, and oranges.
§ The computer store was filled with video games, computer hardware and other electronic paraphernalia.
o Use a comma if your subject has two or more adjectives describing it. This is somewhat similar to a series, except that it is incorrect to place a comma after the final adjective.
§ CORRECT - The powerful, resonating sound caught our attention.
§ INCORRECT - The powerful, resonating, sound caught our attention.
o Use a comma when referring to a city and state. It is also necessary to use a comma to separate the city and state from the rest of the sentence.
§ I am originally from Freehold, NJ.
§ Los Angeles, CA, is one of the largest cities in the United States.
o Use a comma to separate an introductory phrase (which is usually one or more prepositional phrases) from the rest of the sentence. An introductory phrase briefly introduces the sentence, but is not part of the sentence's subject or predicate, and it therefore should be separated from the main clause by a comma.
§ After the show, John and I went out to dinner.
§ On the back of my couch, my cat's claws have slowly been carving a large hole.
o Use the comma to separate two independent clauses. Having two independent clauses in a sentence simply means that you can split the sentence into two. If your sentence contains two independent clauses that are separated by a conjunction (such as and, as, but, for, nor, so, or yet ), place a comma before the conjunction.
§ Ryan went to the beach yesterday, but he forgot his sunscreen.
§ Water bills usually rise during the summer, as people are thirstier during hot and humid days.
o Use a comma when making a direct address. When calling one's attention by name, separate the person's name and the rest of the statement with a comma. Note that this kind of comma is used rarely in writing, because this is something that we do normally while speaking.
§ Amber, could you come here for a moment?
o Use a comma to separate direct quotations. A comma should come after the last word before a quotation that is being introduced. It is not necessary to use a comma in an indirect quote. A comma is usually not necessary if you are not quoting an entire statement.
§ While I was at his house, John asked me if I wanted anything to eat.
§ An indirect quotation that does not require a comma.
§ While I was at his house, John asked, "Do you want anything to eat?"
§ A direct quotation.
§ According to the client, the lawyer was "lazy and incompetent."
§ A partial direct quotation that does not require a comma.
6. Understand the difference between parentheses, brackets, and braces.
o Use parentheses ( ( ) ) to clarify, to place an afterthought, or to add a personal comment. Be sure to include the period after the closing parenthesis.
§ Steve Case (AOL's former CEO) resigned from the Time-Warner board of directors in 2005.
§ Used for clarification. Here, commas can replace the parentheses.
§ You will need a flashlight for the camping trip (don't forget the batteries!).
§ An afterthought. Note that the period (full stop) follows the last parentheses — not before the first. Also note that replacing the parentheses with a comma may not be entirely suitable here, and is better off with a period or a semicolon.
§ Most grammarians believe that parentheses and commas are always interchangeable (I disagree).
§ A personal comment.
o Use brackets ( [ ] ) to signify an editor's note in a regular piece of writing. You can also use brackets to clarify or to revise a direct quote so that it appeals to your own writing. Brackets are often used to encompass the word "sic" (Latin for thus), suggesting that the previous word or phrase was written "as is", with the error intended to be displayed.
§ "[The blast] was absolutely devastating," said Susan Smith, a local bystander at the scene of the incident.
§ "It was absolutely devastating!" – the actual quote by Susan Smith.
o Braces ( { } ) are most widely used in denoting a numeric set in mathematics. Though generally uncommon, braces can also be used in regular writing to indicate a set of equal, independent choices.
§ { 1, 2, 5, 10, 20 }
§ Choose your favorite utensil { fork, knife, spoon } and bring it to me.
7. Know how to use the slash ( / ).
o Use the slash to separate "and" and "or", when appropriate. The phrase "and/or" suggests that a series of options are not mutually exclusive.
§ "To register, you will need your driver's license and/or your birth certificate."
o The slash is used when quoting lyrics and poetry to denote a line break. Be sure to add spaces between your slashes here.
§ "Row, row, row your boat / gently down the stream / Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily, / life is but a dream."
o The slash can replace the word "and" to join two nouns. By replacing "and" with a slash, you suggest that there is equal important to both characteristics. Use these replacements in moderation to place greater emphasis where "and" may not do so—as well as as not to confuse the reader. You can also do the same for "or", as in "his/her". However you should not use the slash to separate independent clauses, as shown below.
§ "The student and part-time employee has very little free time." → "The student/part-time employee has very little free time."
§ "Do you want to go to the grocery store, or would you prefer to go to the mall?" → "Do you want to go to the grocery store / would you prefer to go to the mall? – This is incorrect.


倒 裝 句
索引 : ( 複合句 : 複雜句 : 動詞在句首的倒裝 ) ( 受詞置於句首 : 補語在句首 : 分詞 : 直接敘述法 )
(1) 疑問句,(2)祈願句, (3) 為強調, 訊息焦點,引起注意,或為使句子的 意義清晰等等理由,
而形成的倒裝句。 疑問句和祈願句前面已談過在此不再多述。本文重點放在第 (3)項。大部分句子的
倒裝要領和 yes - no 疑問句的形成方法一樣,只差句尾沒有問號。也就是 (1)有 be動詞 時,則將 be 動詞
移至主詞之前。(2) 有助動詞時則將其置於主詞之前,無助動詞時則加 do, does,或 did。閱讀時,如看到
I. 副詞置句首的倒裝句
(1) 強調否定的副詞放在句首 :下列是一些此類的否定詞 ,通常用在正式的文體。 few, little, hardly,
scarcely, seldom, never, none, nobody, nothing, nowhere, no sooner, not until, not at all, not for a moment,
in no way, on no account, by no means, under no circumstances (決不) ( ..... no ..... 的片語)
It is seldom wise to neglect one's own health. → Seldom is it wise to neglect one's own health.
I shall never forget your kindness to me. → Never shall I forget your kindness to me.
I did not find I had left my key in the office until I got home.
→ Not until I got home did I find I had left my key in the office.
There has never been a time when the need of honesty was so emphasized as today.
→ Never has there been a time when the need of honesty was so emphasized as today.
The teacher had no sooner entered the classroom than the students all calmed down.
→ No sooner had the teacher entered the classroom than the students all calmed down.
The teacher had hardly / scarcely entered the classroom when / before the students all calmed down.
→ Hardly / Scarcely had the teacher entered the classroom when / before the students all calmed down.
Nowhere could the boy find his lost dog.
Little did he dream that he should won the first prize.
Not only did it thunder but it also poured last night.
By no means is your performance in study satisfactory. ( Your performance in study is by no means satisfactory.)
On no account are you to go playing without finishing your homework first.
(2) Only + adverb (phrase or clause) : 常見於正式的体裁中。
Only in the night is an owl active in chasing the game. (獵物)
Only in this way can you solve the problem you have met now.
Only when one loses one's health, does one realize its importance.
Only in the exhibition in Tainan county have we seen such a splendid orchid .
(3) 地方 / 方位 副詞,和感嘆句的倒裝 : 地方 / 方位副詞置句首而後面的是不及物動詞 時常用倒裝,
不用 do 或 did 於主詞之前, 常出現於文學和描述文章。
Under a tree were sitting three old farmers of the village.
Beside the desk / Behind the counter stood a tall man with silver hair.
From Taiwan come a lot of the most beautiful orchids.
From within the house floated the tender melody of music.
Off went Steve! Off he went ! Back came the girls! Back they came!
Down fell the big tall tree! Away flew the birds! Away they flew!
Here comes the bus! (= Here it comes!) Here you are. (主詞是名詞要倒裝,代名詞則不倒裝)
Here is the pen that you are looking for.
※ 在 Practical English Usage by Michael Swan 一書中對感嘆句有如下的敘述。
(a) 否定疑問句的形式可當感嘆句用,但其意是肯定。
Hasn't she grown! (= She has grown a lot!) Wasn't it a great match! (真是一場好比賽)
Isn't it cold! (好冷)
(b) 非否定疑問句的形式也可當感嘆句用,常見於美式英語。
Am I hungry! ( 我好餓阿) Am I fed up! (我真煩死了) Did he look annoyed! (他看起來好煩的樣子)
(c) 在舊式文學中,how 和 what 後面的感嘆句偶而也用感嘆句。
How beautiful are the flowers! What a peaceful place is Mount Ali!
※ 地方副詞在句首而句子的動詞是及物動詞時,則不必倒裝。但被動語態時仍必倒裝。
In his hand he / the boy held a bottle of water.
Behind him he felt the gunfire becoming fiercer and fiercer.
From the top of the hill we had a full view of the beautiful village.
Into one of the poor families was born a boy who was named Parker.
On the white wall was printed a red shape of a hand.
※大學文法與修辭 ,計湘全著 在 p. 292 對 here 和 there 用法說明與一般的說法寬鬆可供參考。
以 here 為句首而主詞是名詞時,則要倒裝。主詞是代名詞時,則倒裝與不倒裝皆可。
因此 " Here he comes." 或 "Here comes he." 都對。
以 there 為句首而主詞是名詞時,則倒裝與不倒裝皆可。
因此 " There stood Steve." 或 " There Steve stood." 都對。
(4) 表次數的副詞 : 這種副詞只為強調,不倒裝也可以。
Twice within the 20th century were there world wars which killed tens of millions of people.
Often have we heard that more and more people lost their jobs.
Many a time did the kind old woman give food to the beggars. ( 回 頁 首 )
(5) 放在句首的副詞修飾全句的,不能倒裝。
On Sundays we are allowed to go shopping. Apparently the boy did not do his homework.
At twelve all the workers stop working and have their lunch.
Luckily the poor worker won a big prize in the lottery.
II. 複合句 : (1) 肯定句 + and + 主詞 + 助動詞 , too. → 肯定句 + and + so + 助動詞 + 主詞 .
(2) 否定句 + and + 主詞 + 助動詞 + not, either. → 否定句 + and + nor / neither + 助動詞 + 主詞 .
兩否定句的主詞同屬一個人,則只能用 nor ,不能用 neither。主詞不同人,則 nor, neither 都可用。
He works hard and you do, too. → He works hard and so do you.
Edward doesn't drink, nor does he smoke. Mia cannot swim, nor can she play baseball.
I am not good at chess, nor do I wish to be.
He didn't work hard, and you didn't either. → He didn't work hard, and nor / neither did you.
You cannot fix the computer, nor / neither can my brother.
A: I like chocolate very much. B: So do I. ( 非複合句 )
III. 複雜句 :
(1) 讓步子句 : Although / Though + S + V + n / adj. / adv., .... → N / Adj. / Adv. + as / though + S + V, ....
Although she is a girl, she is very brave. → Girl as she is, she is very brave. ( girl 不加冠詞)
Though he is poor, he still helps those who need help.→ Poor as he is , he still helps those who need help.
Although he worked hard, he couldn't support his family. → Hard as he worked, he couldn't support ....
Tired though we were, we kept climbing up to the top of the mountain. (不可用 although)
Dangerous though it was, he was confident that they would win.
(2) 假設語氣的倒裝 :在文學体中常用。
If I were a billionaire, I could buy a big house.→ Were I a billionaire, I could buy a big house.
If I should miss the bus, I would go by taxi. → Should I miss the bus, I would go by taxi.
If I had studied harder last year, I might enter Taiwan University this year.
→ Had I studied harder last year, I might enter Taiwan University this year.
(3) 比較 和 名詞子句 有需要可倒裝 , as 在文學體中有時也用倒裝。
The parents know their children better than do the others.
Mr. Wang is a Buddhist, as are most of his friends.
The child watches TV every day as do most of his classmates.
Tell me who is that guy who is playing tennis there.
Do you know who is the boy running along the sidewalk?
Children in Taiwan learn much the same things as do those of the same age in Japan.
IV. 動詞在句首的倒裝 :
Try as he would, he could not finish the work in time. ← Though he would try, he could not ....
Come what may, I have made up my mind not to give up. ← Whatever may come, I have made up ....
Come what will, they will never yield. ← Whatever will come, they will never yield.
Report what you may, be faithful to the truth. ← Whatever you may report, be faithful to the truth.
Be he rich or poor, he shall be treated equally. ← Whether he is rich or poor, he shall be treated equally.
V. 受詞置於句首如果是否定的,則要倒裝,否則不用倒裝。如 I.(1) 所列的 none, nobody, nothing。
No advice did my teacher give me. (= My teacher gave me no advice.)
Nothing could we do in such a devastating forest fire. Nobody did I tell the secret.
Not a word did they say. ( They did not say a word.)
cf. Hardly a word is spoken. Hardly anybody was able to do it. 在此 hardly 是修飾 a word, anybody,
正如 No word was spoken. Nobody was able to do it . 一樣。
Democracy and freedom we believe in. Anne only he could love.= He could love Anne only.
The speech he gave yesterday, I think of as nonsense. Whether he will come or not, no one knows.
The history one can know, but the future no one can tell.
We eat what we can, and what we can't , we can.
(= We eat what can eat, and we can (裝罐)what we can't eat.)
VI. 補語在句首的倒裝 :
Happy is the country that has no history. (諺) Happy are the pure in heart, they will see God. (the Bible)
Hard is the way that leads to mastering any language, especially English.
A brave man is Steve who fought against the robber and caught him.
So shocked was the girl that she couldn't utter a word.
Interesting and instructive is the story book that you bought me last week.
VII. 分詞 ( participle ) :
Lying on the bench was a beautiful cat. Getting out of the car was her aunt.
Walking with the boy in the park was his uncle Mr. Wang.
Related to the increasing population are the problems of housing and food supply. ( 回 頁 首 )
Included in this plan will be a center for poor children.
VIII.直接敘述法 / 引句 (direct narration) : 直接引句後面,動詞 (reporting verbs) 如 say, ask, reply, answer,
deny, explain, remind, think, warn, etc. 在書寫文裡常用倒裝,不用 do 或 did。直接引句原是
上述動詞的受詞 , 在此將其移到句首而產生倒裝 ,不倒裝也可以。
"We had a good time last week." said John. " I shall be 18 tomorrow." whispered Bill.
"Who's Mr. Wang?" shouted the man at the door. "What's going on there?" asked Henry.